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Always seen as a vigorous defense organ but not a vital one, the spleen deserves a scholarship beyond its immune, blood-purifying, or iron-recycling functions. Stemmed of 261 sources, this monograph of 15 chapters and 45 illustrations presents the alpha-to-omega of an enigmatic organ, the spleen: surgical anatomy, mobility; morphology, vasculature, lymphatic drainage; innervation; innate and adaptive immune responses and neuroimmune pathways; dopamine-adrenal promiscuous expressions; nicotine-acetylcholine passages; prostaglandin synthesis; etiology, symptoms and diagnostics of the reactive and neoplastic spleen in rare congenital or systematic diseases; splenosptosis, splenomegaly and various surgical solutions; causality and treatment of the splenic rupture by non-surgical (embolization) and organ preserving surgical techniques (splenorrhaphy, mesh wrap, autotransplantation). It illustrates and analyzes each entity under the categories of definition, classifications, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, imaging features, prognosis, and ancillary studies. It also includes review questions and flash cards, as well as analysis of the court-visited malpractice suits related to the negligent surgeries on spleen.