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Interior Castle

By Bro. Smith SGS

This is a masterpeice of spiritual lieterature. This is an essential work for all who endeavor to seek unity with God. Translated by the Benedictines of Stanbrook.

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You are indeed holding what is a masterpiece of spiritual literature. This work by Teresa of Avila has long been considered a monumental achievement, particularly given the trends, conditions of the surrounding under, which it was written, coupled with her own ailments during her life time. From Way of Perfection to this effort is around 14 years, yet the maturity and depth is remarkable. This is an essential work for all who endeavor to seek unity with God. In this treatise, she moves quickly through the first few mansion, while glossing over and previous issues already addresses in her “Way of Perfection.” Herein she moves towards the last few mansion where true advancement begins and recollection turns into meditative prayer leading into unification. Teresa’s initial intent was to provided for her fellow sisters, it has since then blossomed into a bountiful harvest for those who truly choose to follow her sound advice and follow these steps. This work has survived numerous spiritual phases simply because it is real, it is true and it works. For all who embark upon their spiritual quest for unification with God, this is a must guide. This has been translated by the Benedictines of Stanbrook.

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