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This book of poetry brings up subjects that are in some ways controversial, and by doing so supports a peaceful conversation between all people of different beliefs so that peace can be made.
Guaranteed to make an impact on how you see things and life in general, Mind, Media, and Other Things is a great poetry book mostly written in all freestyle.Mind, Media, and Other Things is a poetry book that you won't soon forget! Note that Mind, Media, and Other Things has a lot of poems that are not this time for younger children, so parental caution is advised. Due to the nature of the content (some parents would rather have their children not read about someone confronting a modern-day Hitler, for instance. Some of the topics in the poems are more controversial.) This book of poetry was meant to encourage others and to spark conversation about various issues. This is what makes Mind, Media, and Other Things so unique: every poetry book like this one that I write is made for the purpose of igniting conversation and further learning. There are 6 poems in all in this small collection, Mind, Media, and Other Things, that will more than entertain you.