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You can improve your search results by adding "operators" that refine your keywords. All of these operators can be entered directly into the basic search box. Alternately, you can use the Advanced search page.
Use the "-" operator (a minus sign preceding your keyword) to exclude a term from a search.
Sample: -Windows
Enclose multiple words in double quotes to find matches for an exact phrase.
Sample: "drupal module"
Separate words with "OR" to find one or another, but not necessarily both.
Sample: search OR find
Use this operator together with a list of types (separated by the + symbol) to get only results of specific content types.
Sample: types:story+page
The before: operator can be used to restrict your search to content posted before a given date.
Sample: before:14/06/2004
The after: operator can be used to restrict your search to content posted after a given date.
Sample: after:14/06/2004
This operator is used to filter results by user name.
Sample: user:pjames
Use this operator together with a user id to get only results posted by a given user.
Sample: uid:3
Use this operator followed by a list of category ids to filter results by category.
Sample: tids:3,5