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Writers new to NB are often surprised with the option to categorize their respective writings in something we at NB call "Moods" - and that's exactly the way we want it.
One of the principles behind allowing readers to browse books in this way is that this is the exact parlance of book reccommendations. It would be rare to overhear a coffee shop conversation like this:
Patron 1: "Hey, do you have a good book recommendation in Speculative Fiction of the Early American West?"
Patron 2: "No, but I do have an interesting pick in Metaphysical Romance Thriller, you'll love how it is very true to its category."
The fact remains that readers do not browse or purchase books in this fashion. NB is designed to encourage browsing, discovery, and communication - the foundation of any book purchase. So browse on, kind readers, the writers of NB have been able to try something new!