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Creating Your Profile

Step 1

In the top right of this page, you can see “Calling all Writers”   - Click on this link, you will be taken to the following screen:


Step 2

Enter your preferred user name (Example:   rsmith or jsimpson) and the email you would like to use.   Hit “Create New Account”   You will be sent an email to the address you have provided with your user name and password. 

Step 3

The email will contain the following text and links (Note - please make sure to check your junk and spam email folders if you do not receive your password email within a few hours)


Thank you for registering at Nothing Binding. You may now log in to https://nothingbinding.com/user using the following username and password:

username: your user name
password: xxxxxxxxx

Please note that you will be able to change your password after logging in for the first time using the password above.  This can be done by clicking on My Account and then clicking the Edit tab.   There, you will be able to change to your new password by entering it twice as instructed and saving the changes by clicking the red button on the bottom right of the Edit screen.

Step 4

Follow the link as instructed, and enter your account info, it should look like this:



Step 5  

Hit “Log In” and you will be taken to your account page:


As pictured above, you will be able to update your profile and submit titles into the system.  If your work has yet to be published, that is perfectly fine.  You will be provided with the opportunity to categorize it as “Yet to Be Published” -  Even if your project is only an outline, we still encourage you to submit it!


Please note that pictures must be in one of these formats:  jpg jpeg gif png.   The system automatically creates a thumbnail (small) image from the large image that you will submit for either your personal profile pictures or pictures of your covers.  Accordingly, you do not need to submit a thumbnail sized picture. 



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