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Joe Vadalma
Author of Dark and Humorous Fantasy and Science Fiction. See my webpage at

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    I've loved science fiction and fantasy from the time I learned to read. My hobbies, besides writing, are adventure game playing and do-it-yourself projects. Before I retired, I was a technical writer at a major computer manufacturer. Several short stories of mine have been published in E-zines, and I've sold a series of dark fantasy novels called The Morgaine Chronicles to Renaissance E Books, Renaissance has also published three collections of my short stories, The Sands of Time, Mordrake's Apprentice, and Love Among the Stars; three SF novels, Star Tower, The Bagod, and The Isaac Project; and two dark fantasies not part of the Morgaine Series called The Laws of Magic and Raven Lenore, Psychic Investigator. These books are all available at Fictionwise eBooks, The Book of Retslu, a humorous fantasy, has been published by Mundania Press, Coming soon to Mundania Press is The Search for Prince Knight Black. My web site, The Fantastic World of Papa Joe,, contains SF, fantasy and dark fantasy short stories, serials, my blog and art. My E-mail address is


    It all started with The Wizard of Oz. As a child I loved reading, especially such books as The Oz series, Alice in Wonderland, pirate stories and juvenile science fiction. In my teens I discovered the Science Fiction pulps, Frankenstein movies and so forth. I wanted to write like all my favorite authors. I especially like stories and novels about robots, galactic empires and time travel. I also like horror stories about vampires, monsters and the paranormal. Other influences have been movies, 2001, the Alien series, Star Wars and the TV show, Dark Shadows.