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What if the threat of a world-wide pandemic, increased seismic activity, and global warming were all linked to alien abduction?
“I will always keep [Earth’s Ultimate Conflict] close to my heart.” Ray Bradbury “In the tradition of the creepiest works of Stephen King and other writers of horrific science fiction, Earth’s Ultimate Conflict by Kathy Porter brings our very real collective fears home to rest in a personal way that literally gets under our skin, inside our bodies, and finally into our hearts and minds until there is no place left to run and no place left to hide.” Matthew J. Pallamary Author – Land Without Evil Spirit Matters “Science fiction fans will applaud the appearance of this bold new voice for the genre.” Ellen Tanner Marsh New York Times best-selling author What if the threat of a world-wide pandemic, increased seismic activity, and global warming were all linked to alien abduction? When Rosa DeAngelo flees Earth with her three alien hybrid children, she leaves behind Tony, her soul-mate and husband. Ellen McCarthy is faced with the agonizing choice of abandoning her love-starved hybrid children or finding a way back to her three-month-old human child, Griffin, before it’s too late. With Earth’s inhabitants faced with seemingly insurmountable illness and destruction, two rival alien species offer them salvation. United State President Barbara Unger will make the ultimate decision of who to trust: the Grays or the Guardians. Earth’s Ultimate Conflict is an exciting and fast-moving science fiction title. Stimulating and mesmerizing, Porter’s book will have you thinking twice about the occasional ringing in your ears.