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In Advice From The Blender, Susan Hetrick presents eight ingredients for blending a family; whipping up an honest, inspiring and funny serving of the “house blend” with a Christian twist.
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Welcome to the blender! The statistics aren’t pretty. Almost 70% of remarriages with children end in divorce, most remarriages do not last 5 years, and it can take up to ten years for a stepfamily to blend! There has to be something else; something between The Brady Bunch and these doomsday predictions. There is. In Advice From The Blender, author Susan Hetrick gives us 8 key ingredients for blending a family. She will show you how your family can succeed, and how to deal with: • Unrealistic expectations and stepfamily myths • Choosing to love children who wish you were dead • Bonding as a family, without resorting to duct tape With discussion questions for the entire family and a House Blend Recipe, Susan Hetrick whips up an honest, inspiring and funny look at blended family life from a Christian point of view.