- Young bilingual Egyptian revolutionary writer/author; believed in self-publishing so much in spite of all its difficulties. - Published six books in both English and Arabic in different genre.
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Writing has always been my passion; from earlier than I can even remember I literarily fell in love with literature; I think I was nine years old when I wrote my first silly poem and naïve short story, and at 11 my teacher thought that I copied my story from a professional magazine that I haven't even heard about! Luckily he believed me after that and became one of my biggest supporters. It's been more than 20 years now; but it wasn't before less than seven years ago that I've decided to be heard and go professional. Back then I was studying for my Master's degree in Genetics, it was good actually, and my supervisors saw big hopes in me, but I was not happy at all! I felt so far away from my goals and my dreams, one night I was so depressed and dazzled talking to Ahmed; my husband about how I feel when he asked me: "Why don't you consider becoming a professional writer? There might be many good geneticists, but only rare special writers like you" It was such a lightening moment for me; I felt like a lost one finally found his path, so it was July 2000 when I dedicated myself to writing, of course I sought first all the traditional ways and repeatedly tried to submit my work at many publishing houses, I went wild in this that I even posted an advertisement that said: "Wanted: a classy publishing house for publishing a dozen of children's books"! But still I couldn't find the one for me.. One day at January 2003 I got a very harsh rejection from a publisher and I went home crying, it was my last straw, I doubted every thing, "it must be me then!" I said, but Ahmed replied at me kindly: "I only know one thing; I always hated literature until I read yours! You're a good writer Asmaa and a strong woman too; I'm sure that you'll get over all those obstacles one day" I took it as a challenge and decided to go self-publishing. I didn't have the money for it so I made friends with my computer, I learned how to undergo all the steps in the publishing process; everything, starting from the manuscript writing, to editing, interior layout, graphic designing, cover arts and press printing supervision! And for printing cost both of my brothers as well as my husband contributed with me until I got my first book published. And what a magical moment that was! I couldn't hold my tears; I felt that I could jump in the air, and that I really can fly! Since then I self- published five more books in Arabic and English: Short stories, Children picture story book, Book series for teenage girls and one non-fiction self-improvement book; three of which in the past year alone since I discovered the wonderful solutions of the internet and print-on-demand, I'm truly grateful for that. Now I feel like the steps have been wider and the road has been brighter, and it's only a matter of time until all my dreams come true. My work: Please go to: www.freewebs.com/asmaakadry
Love is my inspiration.. Love of God and every thing he created; humans, animals, plants, and even rocks and sand..