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Who says, “You can’t go home again?” Sometimes that is exactly what must be done. But, is it worth it? (First book of trilogy)
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Kathryn abruptly ends her self-imposed exile and returns to Los Angeles to reclaim her life. Her friends and a cryptic letter written by a powerful man push Kathryn to reconcile the past. Who says, “You can’t go home again?” Sometimes that is exactly what must be done. But, is it worth it?
When turning the pages of
When turning the pages of this visual masterpiece, I completely forgot that I was reading a book. I didn't see printed words on paper, I saw images. I felt like the characters in the book were people in my life. Honestly, this is not my usual genre of choice, but I was impressed with the story from beginning to end. I look forward to following the rest of Kathryn's journey.
Great Books
Philip Harris
Co-author, WAKING GOD
Nationally Syndicated Writer
Talk Radio Host
The imagery is wonderful, the peole are real and you can easily get caught up with the stories. Read both of her books!
A natural story teller
Nadine Laman is a natural story teller. Kathryn's Beach is a novel filled with mystery, compassion and understanding.
Thomas E. Brown Jr.
A great read that I'm sure many will enjoy - Looking forward to reading all three.