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A Most Powerful insight into making Right Choices and Right Decisions in life...from High School to many years as an adult. This book will give you simple, yet HIGHLY EFFECTIVE tools in dealing with life increasing challenges. Many people do look back and say; "If I ONLY KNEW BACK THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW", my life would be different. This book is a MUST HAVE for: Parents, High School/College Students, Young Adults, Everyone. This book opens the door to conversations that many parents need to have with young adults under their care. It will motivate and inspire you to take action, set goals and help you inspire others. Parents, if you feel you haven't had adequate time to prepare your children for life beyond the home, this book would be a Great gift to yourself and to your children. This book can be a Homework Assignment for your children. Or better yet, a "How To Prepare For Life" assignment that you both can discuss in the days, months, and years ahead. It will definitely give them a head start in life.