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A Frog Named Waldor

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By Jacqueline Rankine-Van Wassenhoven

Come along on this frolicking journey with Waldor and Jennifer. See how Jennifer and Waldor meet up with the beautiful water faries and Mrs Nightingale.

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This illustrated book is about a girl named Jennifer who loves to read books, especially books about water faries. One day as she sits by the pond near her village, she meets a talking frog called Waldor. Waldor finds out about the water fairies and asks Jennifer to come along with him to meet some of his friends, who happen to be ..water faries. But how does she follow along with Waldor? Waldor is also a very charming frog. The story continues........

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james964 | Mon, 12/05/2011 - 10:52



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popo | Mon, 12/19/2011 - 14:46