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ISBN: 1-58961-465-8
H & H Publishing Company
Verna Harps Morrow Executive Author & G. Harris Hollingsworth Executive Editor
My Mommy Wears Army Boot’s
By Verna Harps-Morrow
Published by Pagefree Publishing
I am Verna Harps-Morrow, the author of “My Mommy Wears Army Boots ”This is a children’s book that helps military mothers explain to their children the necessity of military duty and sacrifice. The book addresses, in particular, the unfortunate separation of mother and child due to military service.It places this scenario in a more ‘positive light’, by building pride and patriotic barriers to anger, sadness and resentment. These are emotions that may be felt by military children when their mothers leave to serve or go to war.
Based on a 10 year separation, which I experienced, with my own children, culminating with a joyous reunion with them, “My Mommy Wears Army Boots ” brings understanding to military children of their own sacrifice in allowing their mothers to serve their country while not finding fault with them for doing so. It also illustrates that their mothers can return to them unharmed.
This book teaches them that favor should be found with their mothers’ noble act of sacrifice. They are seen as heroines and protectors of themselves, their siblings, families and the entire country. This is something that should make them proud.
Finally, the book advocates military service as an admirable and honorable vocation. It presents military duty as a viable option for a career as an adult. The book will make a excellent gift.
I look forward to hearing from you
Best Regards,
Verna Harps-Morrow
Verns R. Harps-Morrow
H & H Publishing Company
A Division Of Georgia Legal & Business Services Group
Verna Harps Morrow Executive Author & G. Harris Hollingsworth Executive Editor
My Mommy Wears Army Boots!
By Verna Harps-Morrow
Published by H&H Publishing Company
[A Division of GLB Services Group]
I am Verna HarpsMorrow, the author of “My Mommy Wears Army Boots!”This is a children’s book that helps military mothers explain to their children the necessity of military duty and sacrifice. The book addresses, in particular, the unfortunate separation of mother and child due to military service. It places this scenario in a more ‘positive light’, by building pride and patriotic barriers to anger, sadness and resentment. These are emotions that may be felt by military children when their mothers leave to serve or go to war.
Based on a 10 year separation, which I experienced, with my own children, culminating with a joyous reunion with them, “my mommy wears army boots!” brings understanding to military children of their own sacrifice in allowing their mothers to serve their country while not finding fault with them for doing so. It also illustrates that their mothers can return to them unharmed. This book teaches them that favor should be found with their mothers’ noble act of sacrifice. They are seen as heroines and protectors of themselves, their siblings, families and the entire country. This is something that should make them proud.
Finally, the book advocates military service as an admirable and honorable vocation. It presents military duty as a viable option for a career as an adult.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss the book and ordering options and discounts.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Best Regards,
Verna Harps-Morrow
Verns R. Harps-Morrow
Minding Our Manners is a series of books expressing proper etiquette practices for children in public. Millie Manner is introducing the proper ways to act in church, school and other public places. In Church, one should be respectful and humble to the Power which is greater than oneself. It is wise to learn the proper ways to listen to the word without rude behavior, playing or making loud noises while others are attentive to the lesson. School is an assimilation of society that forms and molds our character. The teacher is in control of the class and gives the students a sense of fair play, respect for others and teamwork. Minding our Manners in school develops the student into a law abiding citizen and teaches a sense of pride. Minding our Manners in school stresses the importance of being a model student. Public places are full of many different types of people, good and bad. Running, hiding or separating from an adult can create problems in large crowds. Minding our Manners in public places allows us to act properly and stay close to adults.
Edited by Qiana Nichol Harps
Verns R. Harps-Morrow
This sounds like a good book premise. Good luck with it.
Dear Verna Harps-Morrow,
I think the idea for your book is fantastic. I love the title and I am sure many military families will find your book a useful tool. Good luck!
My books introduces children to understand that wars are not necessary but cruel and create poverty and hunger. I am writing to tell children how to live without fear, how to give, how to promote peace. I am writing to teach children the power of communication and courage to peacefully deal with conflict. I am writing about the ripple effect of wars that harms the whole world.