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Marketing your work

Marketing your work

This is a short summation of what I have learned about individuals aspiring to have their work on the booksstore’s shelves.

When a book is assigned an ISBN number, “Bowker” (the broker for American ISBN assignments” notifies the major book seller/ dealers. This is where they and libraries obtain most of their info concerning new books.

The issue is, “who’s” ISBN number? I spoke with Dalton Books, a subsidiary of Barnes and Nobles Books. My books are available, via the ISBN; however, the computer shows as the printer. This creates a flag and does not fill in many of the spaces within their computers info page concerning my books. I was instructed, that in order to purchase this book, the payment is required up front, since with vanity publishers or PODs, there is no return policy.

Furthermore, I was informed that this is also the reason, the main reason why they, (Dalton) and their parent company (Amazon) do not carry, nor will carry them on their shelves. No doubt, this is true of all major houses.

A work around. Now when you opt to purchase one of their ISBNs your book will be slated for this fate. An alternative is to purchase your own ISBN. To purchase directly from the broker, “Browker” it’s about $12.00 per unit, or starting in lots of 10. This will allow you to feed the info directly into their database.

Secondly, you should have your own DBA company and web site. This will facilitate and present you as a new and blossoming legitimate company-doing business.

Third option, given my genre, I have chosen to go directly to the local bookstore managers and ask for an agreed loaner arrangement. The idea is first to loan a singular selection, if you have more than one, and allow them to peruse and see if they would be willing to consider place say five copies on their shelf. Every 30 days, say for a 120-day period, you’ll check back and see how the sales are doing. This is a grass roots approach, yet it is a way to start.

Lastly, a couple of local universities and 3 county libraries have accepted the works. Let me say it takes about 80 plus days for Google to have it in their listing.

I hope this helps.

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