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How to market a book to a dual audience of artists and scientists.

How to market a book to a dual audience of artists and scientists.

My book: Parallel Worlds, explores a connection between art and science. My paintings and drawings are based on concepts which have a basis in both areas. I realize that normally this is a very difficult thing to do. But I believe my book has merit, where my paintings and drawings are used as metaphors for ideas in both art and science.


Thomas Cappuccio

Thinking in Both Worlds

While writing fantasy and sci-fi and being artistic, I still like to keep things fairly scientifically accurate. When going to another universe, I try to mirror things from our own, but give reasons why something does or does not work in the other universe, i.e. why does one universe have green or purple stars and another does not. I can be both creative and logical. I have tried giving myself left/right brain tests just to see how I measure up, but in some questions both apply to me. I can think with both sides of my brain, but I still think a little bit more to the left on certain things. In school I learned I can learn the same thing two different ways through pictures and interactive things and also through reading. The same thing goes for my writing. I like to think of extraordinary things, but at least be scientifically accurate as possible in the material plane, outside of that things can be very different.