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I want/need to finish my first novel this coming year. I am here looking for help with publishers/agents and any writing advice. I have found that I do a lot of procrastination surfing the web, and checking out the entire line of how to write books.
I start one short story, then jump to two different novel ideas, then head over to essay ideas. How do you stop and just finish one writing project?
Wish I had an answer for you, Uriah, but I think this is less a question about writing than about perhaps developing habits that will prove more productive. Maybe when you sit down to write, you should disconnect from the Internet and eliminate some distractions that way.
Good luck.
Oh, Uriah, did you jump right off the pages of my novel? My hero's name is Uriah! I can't help but agree that it just takes discipline to stay with one project. No one can make you do it but you. It would be better to stay away from the other distractions, to stay focused. Are you bored with what you are writing, is that why you can't stay with it? Then, put some excitement in!! It's okay to work on more then one thing at a time, I do it all the time, but make sure you continue with one project to the end. You can do it, just don't give up.
Mary J. Dressel
Author, Visions of Enchantment
ISBN 1424152038
Enchantment's Embrace, coming 2008
Mary J. Dressel
The Enchantment Series
Visions of Enchantment
ISBN 1424152038
Enchantment's Embrace
ISBN 1604417986
When you start to write, make a note to yourself, in BIG letters, that you will continue on this project until you have completed - you pick the terms- 1 whole page (or 2), or have written for 15 min, or 30 or whatever. Set a specific goal and get in the habit of meeting that goal. Procrastination is common. Set aside specific time to surf, time to eat, and time to write. Be true to yourself. Everyday, when you've completed your goal, print out the results and put the papers on the desk where you can see your progress. Just keep it going, raising the bar every few days. This isn't as easy as I make it sound, but basically, it takes commitment and practice. Hope this helps and good luck.
If you don't mind a contribution form a newbie - as of about ten minutes ago.
Join a critique group.
You submit your novel one chapter at a time with the aim of receiving between three and five critiques on each one. There are usually published and unpublished authors offering useful advice and insight.
You are expected to critice others work too of course, but you will learn a lot from that too. They are great exercises in active versus passive voice, PoV, showing versus telling etc.
It will amaze you how focused you become when specific weak spots are pointed out, and if you feel your plotline is a bit thin, just ask the group for input and the scenarios will come flooding in.
Hope that helps
Anita Davison
Duking Days Rebellion & Duking Days Revolution from Enspiren Press
Anita Davison
Trencarrow Secret and Culloden Spirit from MuseItUp Publishing
Carol McPhee
You simply tamp down the new ideas jumping into your head. Make notes on them so you dont forget for future use but join a critique group and stay focused on the ma they are critiquing. Carol McPhee:
Current releases:
Undercover Trouble: and
Retreat To Danger: and
Alaskan Magic from and
Carol McPhee
The bottom line is self-control. If writing is work (and work is not a bad word) then you will close down your e-mail, your feed reader and even your browser, decide what project you're going to tackle, set a time limit for yourself and don't get up till that time has passed. And do that on a regular (preferably daily) basis.
If, on the other hand, writing is play (play is good too) then what does it matter what you do as long as you're having fun?
When you have a job your boss generally lays down the law for you, what you do, where you do it and how you do it. When it comes to writing you are the boss of you and you can be a soft boss or a hard boss but at the end of the day it's your business that will go down the pan if you are too soft on your staff (which would be you too wouldn't it).
There are no magic answers to your questions. It's like the answer to being overweight – stop eating too much and exercise more. It's not complicated. People make it complicated.
I have published 2 books and have at least another 10 started.
My first publisher told me that I should work on one book at a time. I did not understand that a first until I began marketing. I am self published and the expense CAN BE great.
If you have a book near finished, concentrate on getting that ONE book out first.
Ask yourself, Have I said all that needs to be said?
If so you are done. Have you reached your climax?
If so then stop already!
You can always do a sequel.
Tell everyone about your book, Everyone!
Show your enthusiasm!
Make them want it!
My newest release, "I need To Know That You See My Yellow Rose," an adult Love story, is just out on the market. My personal friends and coworkers are just dying to read it.
I needed a striking photo for the cover, I chose a coworker, now my other coworkers are really anxious to read it. And I am proud that it's a Good Book!
I am awaiting a shipment for them
Any one else can buy it on the web at search by author (Betty Jo Williams)
"Rosemary and Clown's Extraordinary Day" at, search by author or title