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Hi Gemma, I arrived after having been down the route of trying to find an agent on the same wave length and as you say the waiting can be seemingly endless when things do not materialise as you expect (who knows, perhaps my first efforts were way off target to what I thought the market might be). Needless to say, during that process I was fortunate to meet Nadine Laman (on line) and her encouragement sent me writing down a new route towards self publishing (and my introduction to Jerry and NB). With the POD process opening the door for many I felt more encouraged to write, though initial colour printing costs seemed high especially when you are not sure of how well the work will be received and without means to additional sums for marketing to match mainstream; I finally decided to open my own publishing service with the view to producing books on CD Rom rather than paper. Like you I am enjoying the learning curve and with NB opening doors, marketing will hopefully get easier the further we all go. Regards Andy

A book I'm glad I read


Having sharpened my focus "What Writers Need to Know About Publishing" is now amongst my reference books, thank you.



A great read that I'm sure many will enjoy - Looking forward to reading all three.



Hi Gemma,

I arrived after having been down the route of trying to find an agent on the same wave length and as you say the waiting can be seemingly endless when things do not materialise as you expect (who knows, perhaps my first efforts were way off target to what I thought the market might be). Needless to say, during that process I was fortunate to meet Nadine Laman (on line) and her encouragement sent me writing down a new route towards self publishing (and my introduction to Jerry and NB).

With the POD process opening the door for many I felt more encouraged to write, though initial colour printing costs seemed high especially when you are not sure of how well the work will be received and without means to additional sums for marketing to match mainstream; I finally decided to open my own publishing service with the view to producing books on CD Rom rather than paper.

Like you I am enjoying the learning curve and with NB opening doors, marketing will hopefully get easier the further we all go.

Regards Andy



Our children and the world around us seem to ooze with inspiration. Childhood memories rekindled by young inquisitive minds asking whatever comes to mind, and their responses to life, along with my imagination, all tend to be combined into my work somewhere. And I guess in answer to the original post, we should all be inspiring one another. Regards Andy

Re critique


Hi Thomas, I will be happy to oblige and have sent you an email. Regards Andy

Keeping active


Hi Jerry, In keeping active on NB, I have just updated my web site. And we are now providing 'mini shop window space' at (on the 'Collectable's' page) for any writers interested in additional exposure. I will post more details in the forum. It is good to see NB growing Regards Andy

Artwork for books


Hi all, I would like to show you this picture titled 'In a Nutshell' (now on our website as the photo competition closes this month) advertising part of my work designing cover shots - only to add that many artists and photographers are happy to provide work at reasonable rates as they enjoy the promotion aspect in seeing their work on front covers as well as inside the book. Regards Andy