Novels By Zanne Kennedy. Silent Discourse, a five book series.
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Zanne Kennedy has been a professional Graphic Artist for over ten years. However, her love of story telling and the art of written words captivated her to blend both into a form that gives her great joy and fulfillment. Logging many years of research into the Amish culture, Zanne Kennedy’s Silent Discourse is the first book in a series of recently written stories of the young, handsome, Nicolaus Zook. You’ll find yourself drawn into her characters’ lives and the insider's view of the Amish world.
I encountered the Amish many years ago while on vacation. I found their beliefs, simplicity, and way of life interesting, so I started studying them. I researched their society for about 10 years before I realized, I had characters popping up in my head, wanting to live this perfect conflict. I love to watch people react to those around them. The Amish have a way of speaking without words, as most cultures do. However, the Amish seem to be an island unto themselves. Capturing the essence of Nick’s Amish persona was like viewing a deaf person suddenly thrown into a world of sound, questioning constantly where the sound came from, what it is, and what it means to him and the people around him. On the other hand, a hearer from their youth, knows what sound is. They don’t question it. Nick’s confusion in his English world is like the deaf person who can now hear.
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