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Valerie Anne

Valerie Anne Faulkner
"I'm a wife, and a mom, and a grandma, even an electrician, but it's nice to know, that God knew I had even more to offer, and in the most extraordinary way brought it to my attention,"

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    My name is Valerie Anne Faulkner.An award winning author, I've been around for fifty something years and been married for almost forty of them. My childhood sweetheart and I have three wonderful kids... five fabulous grandkids. And, a ninety five pound Lab, we call Jake. Bill, my husband, and I have owned and operated an electrical contracting business since 1973 here in Florida. Currently when we are not out on service calls,(yes,I'm an electrician too)we spend time marketing online and off, "I Must Be in Heaven, a promise kept." I also am proud to be a regular columnist for the Christian Fiction Online Magazine,and enjoy interviewing authors.


    My Lord and Savior.

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