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Tom Teal

Tom Teal
Author of Prodigal Son

    Look and Listen


    Graduated high school functionally illiterate. Taught myself to read and write in college while taking theatre. Made my first million dollars at the age of 22, lost every cent soon after. I am potter, blacksmith and lover of the out of doors. When asked what I do I say I am an imagineer.


    Characters in the past seem to be more noble and trustworthy. Our MTV/Mcdonlds society has lost touch with the good values that people used to think were important. Now they are self centered, vain and selfish. Deep down we all feel this.. I think this is why we are drawn to the heros in books and movies. Really good heros transend the ordinary vices of men and work in a higher plane or at least try to - like Danny Diaz the main chacter in my second book to be published summer of 2008.

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