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susie hawes
Author of the best selling series, The Dragon Thing To Do, Susie Hawes has been writing e books for two years

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Trapped in the moody Texas weather, this working mom squeezes out a few hours each day to write. Her husband and children are patient, her housework is neglected and her dog is not speaking to her. Her fiction has appeared in numerous magazines and e zines, including Whispering Spirits ezine, Darkfire Fiction ezine, Worlds of Wonders ezine, Twilight Times, Runes E zine, Neo-Opsis, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine (issues # 14 and 18) and Quietus Magazine. She has articles, book reviews and author interviews published or about to be published in,, Bewildering Stories, Surreal Magazine, Whispering Spirits ezine, Worlds of Wonder ezine, The Sword Review and Darkfire Fiction ezine. Susie has stories in the anthologies "Filthy Luchre", published by, and "The Shadowbox Anthology", by Shadowed Realms ezine out of Australia. She is September's featured author for "Writers 4 Writers", a writers' group. Featured author for June at


My friends, especially Janrae Frank, who is also my editor. I love fiction and have always enjoyed satire and dark fantasy. I got the idea for the Dragon Thing series after my sister served on a jury. Her comments when the whole thing was over wee both amusing and thought-provoking.

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