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Bob Horton
An engineer/programmer trying his hand at writing

    Look and Listen


    I grew up in a small town near Cape Cod. I was an honors student in high school. While there I decided to pursue a career in engineering and took the prerequisite courses. I attended Norteastern University in Boston and recieved my B.S.M.E. degree in 1975.

    Over the years since then I have worked as an industrial engineer, an energy auditor and as an operations manager for a small solar company. When I worked as an energy auditor I became involved in writing software for residential, multifamily, and commercial energy audit amplications.

    I have also written a few program packages on my own. One is a very secure encryption package that I hope to be marketing soon.


    I became interested in reading science fiction when I was quite young. I have read most of the major scifi authors since the fifties. I have also read many of H.G. Wells works as well as Jules Verne. I have read quite a few of what are called "pulp fiction" works as well. I was fascinated by what many authors thought the future might be like.

    I also found that truth in many ways is indeed stranger than fiction. To give an example, in all the works I read and saw in movies and on tv, about man's first trip to the moon, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, ever considered the idea that one would actually WATCH the first man step onto the moon's surface.

    It also been interesting to watch the developement of technology over the last fifty years or. Much of what we currently have was hinted at in early scifi.

    When I was in college (the early 70's) the computers that we used filled several rooms. I am now using a machine that is actually more powerful than the mainframe I used back then and fits on a desktop. My wife has a very similiar laptop model. Such compactness was unheard of back then. They still used discreet components such as transitors in the circuitry rather then the integrated circuitry of today. I have heard about holographic computers that exist a mere interference patterns. Who knows what the future holds!

    I have decided to try my hand at it. I have a background in what might be considered practical applications in science as well as a great deal of theorectical science. I try to blend both together in my writing. I also toss a few social barbs in occasionally, sort of poking fun at our current society and its mores, or lack of them.

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