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I Come In Peace, but, Please Don't Take The Peace!
Cheers! Mi'Dears!

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    Hi! How ya Diddlin’ Peeps? By your leave, may I ask you a question? Do you really want to wade through my life’s resume, attempting to impress you, with what could laughingly be called, my credentials for writing this book? Would they really mean anything to you? Personally, from those I have read, my reaction has mostly been “Yeh! Nice, so what?” Now, I don’t mean that in a spiteful way, but, really, ain’t resumes more suited to a job application, rather than, a poor enticement as to why you should read this publication, also, attempting to prove, what a wonderful person I am? If you really, really, want to know, please write to me, via my website and I will do my best, to provide you with the information you seek, at an extremely reasonable fee, it will be negotiable, based on………oh come on, I can’t give away all my trade secrets! LOL Having said that, the facts are, at the time of writing this particular tome, I have reached 6 and 50 years, or 20-36, as I fondly refer to my physical age. I can still boogie an 18 year old off the dance floor, but, only for about 10 minutes, then, I have to sit down and take a rest! What’s that song, I ain’t as good as I once was?…….oh, you probably know it, anyhoo, suffice to say, a particular ‘Rock and Roll Dream’ in America went down the tubes and I found myself back in England, totally alone for the first time in my life and living in a car! I have always been able to write ‘instant verse’ on any subject and turned for comfort to my ‘scratching pad’, my quill being driven across the page by ‘My Muse’. I have never been able to explain it and I started to write what I was feeling, what I was seeing and also on the many machinations of what I fondly call: The Upright Biped Species That Infect This Planet’ After an experience at a writers group, I decided to call my verses ‘Expressions and Observations’ When the book was accepted, I had some other things in mind and as you will see it’s called ‘Rainbow’s Expressions and Observations, or, Only Visiting This Planet In Search of a Brain, or, I Know The Answer’s 42, but, What’s The Piggin’ Question’ O.K. That’s the infomercial over with. Contained within these pages, are the experiences, expressions and observations, of a would be Alien, at least the U.S.A. has given me my Official Alien Number, thank you Uncle Sam! So that’s official! Enjoy! Kind Regards, Sincerely Rainbow


    Being alone for the first time in my life and having no one and nowhere else to turn, I turned for comfort to my 'scratching pad' and wrote. It was somehow cathartic and comforting being able to see my thoughts in black and white on the page, sort of a friend.

    My New Book: Battle-Scarred Heart - A Brit's Witty Look At Lost Love has just been published in paperback and is available as an Ebook as well or

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