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Pat Clor
I published two philosophy novels: The Pilot's City and The Reason We're Waiting. Science fiction, fantasy and romance dominate the genre as the plots are cyclical and ironic.
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    Look and Listen


    I grew up in the Twin Cities. Spent the first 12 years of my adult life at the University of Minnesota studying philosophy. In 1993 I decided that I wanted to write fiction. My aim was to mask the philosophy I designed using simple characters and plots. The task was overwhelming and time consuming. For much of the decade I was emploded with conveying the philosophy and living by it. But then things changed in the new millenium. When I began to live by what I wanted to preach, my fiction transformed. I am working on a new project that deals with the core of the human identity. It is a concept that started in one of my philosophy classes called The Third Man Argument. It will be another novel. I live life in the present, keeping my eye on the where I have been and what's coming. I know life it temporary and to live honestly and morally has the greatest benefit, as a moral and honest life are seeds to happiness, for which I am glad to say that I am happy.


    The writings of Ayn Rand, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Salman Rushdie and Aristotle provided a spiritual foundation to draft my philosophy. Other authors of inspiration are the Bronte sisters, Jasper Fforde and Jon Steinbeck.

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