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Randi Anderson
I'm an aspiring author exploring contemporary fiction, religious fiction, fantasy, science-fiction and freelance article writing for publications.

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    I am an Army wife and a mother of six children. The bulk of my adult years have been spent in child rearing, but now that the baby factory is closed, I've decided that it's time to renew my passion for writing. Since high school I've been strongly encouraged to pursue writing as more than a hobby. I'm looking forward to finding out if I've got what it takes. I enjoy writing fiction, but I also write essays. I'm not sure that I want to commit to one particular genre just yet. My passions other than writing include art, religion and fitness.


    My absolute favorite author is Ray Bradbury. I love Science-Fiction, especially classic authors like Mr. Bradbury and Isaac Asimov. I've enjoyed the more recent work of John C. Wright and his "Golden Age" trilogy. My husband introduced me to fantasy and I've fallen in love with Robert Jordan's epic work in the "Wheel of Time" series. (May he rest in peace) And of course, once I got past the meetings in Rivendale, I fell in love with "Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkein. My guilty pleasure has been the "Twilight" series by Stephanie Meyers, though I enjoy "The Host" even more. C.S. Lewis is my favorite author in the genre of religious fiction, though I do enjoy his non-fiction work as well. I am also a connoisseur of self-help books, books on diet and exercise as well as fitness magazines.

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