Look and Listen
Joe has a special passion for the intuitive arts, healing, and for multidimensional communication. He shares his unique insights and ideas through his writing, speaking, and energy attunements. Joe holds a B.A. in speech communication and has a certificate in spiritual healing. He has attended graduate school specializing in family counseling and business consulting and has held a wide variety of jobs in both the social work and business sectors. While currently residing in Seattle, Washington, Joe continues to live his passion for human dynamics study, writing, and the practice of multidimensional communication to facilitate healing and alignment with one’s highest purpose.
In 1999 I wrote the meditation book, When Spirits Dance. It represents the love that I have for the process of awakening. It is about the peace, joy and happiness that comes from moving through illusion and recognizing divine essence. It is truly a celebration of knowing, living, loving and being. With an insight from my mom during the writing of When Spirits Dance, I learned to see energy behind my writing. I began to sense how I felt about the words I used and the ideas that I communicated. I began to sense the feel of each creation. From this expanded place of awareness, I learned to add deeper emotional and spiritual components to my works. In 2000, I published the first edition of When Spirits Dance through a company I created in the early 90’s, now called, A Source of Light Publishing & Consulting. My dream for this company is and has always been to bring light into the world. In the beginning I assumed this meant bringing angelic wisdom, love, and kindness to people. Now I realize that bringing light into the world is also about enlightenment and awakening. It is about expanding awareness of our amazing spiritual essence and also awakening to deeper levels of our physical, emotional, and mental aspects of being. In 2006, I completed and published How To Be A Divine Presence In Everyday Life. When I first started this book, my personal intent was to create a self-help book that would stop pain and suffering and bring about deep healing. Today I realize that How To Be A Divine Presence In Everyday Life is about learning how to open and awaken to the wisdom of our bodies, our emotions, our thoughts, and our spirits. It is about listening to our symptoms, learning from our inner dialogue, and loving each aspect of our being. It is about awakening to the unconditional love and pure divine wisdom that we are as divine beings. As we awaken to our physical, emotional, and mental aspects and awaken to our divine spirit essence simultaneously, we become divine essence within our human creations. We become pure divine presence in everyday life. In 2006, I wrote and published, Parables of Light. This book is a fun and joyful compilation of essays, prose, and poem about connecting with the divine aspects of our being. In 2006, I wrote and published Beyond Illusion, and Divine Heart Presence. Both books are meditation books filled with amazing quotes that I have come up with over the years about awakening to love, life, and the divine wisdom from the higher realms. In 2007, I published the amazing Four-Step Guide To Self-Healing and I also created a nine week e-course Lessons of Wisdom: For Love & For Life. Through my writing and workshops it is my intention to create a space for love to flow within the reality of everyday life. As we open to this flow of love, the wisdom guides us and we experience our divine essence coming alive within our self and situation. In the divine space, we sense the wisdom of our bodies, feel the depth of our emotions, awaken to the wisdom of our thoughts, and connect with the divine magic of our knowing. We are each truly divine beings. Thank you for your interest in my work. I hope you enjoy my creations. Joe Hurley A Source of Light Publishing & Consulting http://www.TheDivineHeart.com