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Jim Joyce
A very late bloomer in the writing business! That doesn't mean I write about "bloomers in the evening" ... it just means I'm not as young as I once was.

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Jim Joyce, upon reaching the age of retirement, decided to write children’s books since he is the proud grandfather of 3 granddaughters, ages 13, 9 and 5. There is nothing more he likes to do than spend time with them and enjoy them in ways that only a grandparent can. He is a native of North Carolina, but currently resides in Longwood, Florida, with his lovely wife, Bobbie.


I had always wanted to write something that my 3 granddaughters would like to read, so my first book, "Our Family", was, in essence, a story about them and their family, including the dog and the cat. The names and the places were changed, but it didn't take long for them to figure it out.