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Author Dominique Wilkins

Dominique Wilkins
I am a new author who writes stories with messages that you can identify with the story line or characters within the pages as you are entertained. Thus far, they have all received 4/5 star ratings.
Author Dominique Wilkins

    Look and Listen


    My name is Dominique Wilkins. I am a 32 yr old, African-American, married mother of two beautiful and brilliant children. My thirteen year old has an ADHD/Bipolar diagnosis, while my 8yr old is so very smart and continues to gain the favorite student award in every classroom she is promoted to. I was born and raised in Chicago, IL. Since March of 2012, I have written and published one full novel: Mother In-Law Guilty of Murder; one children's book: God Loves You and four short stories/novellas: Theresa in Wonderland, The Audacity of You There's Something About Jessie,7:10 and soon Lights, Camera, Mine. I am extremely proud of the reviews and feedback that they have received thus far. I write inspirational novels with messages often delivered with biblical verses and hope to continue doing this for the rest of my life. My website is I too was a product of my low income, urban environment, which I was negatively influenced by, before I found God and began to love myself and children all over again. I write these books, with real life scenarios in an entertaining fashion so that others will enjoy the stories as they receive the messages. I love to laugh and play, but I will not if it hurts someone's feelings. I am very sensitive and live by the "Do unto others as you want them to do unto you." I love the Lord and know that my life's lessons have shown me to be so grateful for the smallest things. I am grateful for this opportunity here, to talk about myself and my books. THIS is amazing! I am very respectful to my elders, so I still say "yes ma'am and no sir," just as I raise my children the same way, so I get upset a lot with this new generation, but try so hard to understand them and the times that we are in, I think I often burn my brain out. So my memory is horrible!


    I became a writer, when I decided that I could use books to try to reach people with my messages. So many people seem to be hurting each other repeatedly and I just feel as if I can reach one person with my message in my book to stop the hurt and care more for themselves then I have succeeded. It is what someone did for me. They showed me my worth and now, I am paying it forward.

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