I achieved my Ph.D in Metaphysics at the age of 57. You can do anything if you enjoy what you are doing! Nevada is home with my husband, Bob, and our fur-baby a Lab named Frankie.
Look and Listen
I started writing at an early age. I enjoyed dabbling in writing, mostly short stories and poetry. I had several poems published in local magazines. I put writing on the back burner as I began to work longer hours and several jobs to pay the simple things in life; you know, rent, food, and utilities! A few years after the death of my sister I began what I call “my search for God”. I tried on many religion’s hats, finally finding what I was seeking in Wicca. I studied a little over two years earning the title Second Degree Priestess. Studying Wicca led me to Metaphysics, and finally, after another five years of studying, my Ph.D in Metaphysics. I guess you could say I love learning! AS IF is my first book, and it gives you the tools to live your life AS IF you were already Peaceful, Patient, Trusting, Joyful etc. It evolved from my search of finding my Sacred Self. You can find out more about AS IF, some free downloads of other pieces I have written, and a bit more about me by checking out my website www.maureendelaney.net
Life inspires me, from our interaction with each other, from the connection we have to everything and everyone, both past and present. How my out breath provides life to plants and my in breath receives the same life gift from them! My interaction with Angels, especially my Guardian Angel, brings a different dimension to my writing. I find joy in the simple act of waking up each morning, ready to explore what waits for me!
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