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The United States Army invaded Mexico in 1846. What if they never left?
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Most people don't recall—if they ever knew—that the United States Army invaded México in 1846. A year later they entered México City and received an unconditional surrender. Then they walked away with Texas, New México and California. What would have happened if they hadn't walked away? History is full of crossroads. Alexander conquered Egypt, Persia and Afghanistan then he went to India and died of fever at twenty-three. How would he have redrawn the world map if he had lived to a ripe old age? Arab enemies very nearly killed Mohamed before he wrote the Koran. How would the world look today if there were no such thing as Islam? Washington was pressured to crown himself king. What would have come of the United States if he hadn't been quite so altruistic? The sum of all events that led us to where we are could have turned quite differently had small things been tweaked. This quirky and irreverent 'what if' story starts with the truth then looks at plausible, bizarre and absurd alternatives to what came later. Do we have here a simple alternative history or could it be an allegorical reflection of modern times? Will the end always look the same no matter how many parallel universes we examine? Is our fate hard wired or are we at the mercy of some cosmic coin toss?