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How did a witness to the beheading of Charles I become an Indian chief in Virginia? Read how three generations of mixed blood troublemakers ran afoul of the Governor and their wives in the New World.
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George Skipper, 17th century Englishman, was an unlikely chief of the Nottoway Indians. Nevertheless, it was true. This mysterious character from the historical record and his descendents resided with the Indians during a time when they were hounded to the brink of extinction by the Colonial Government. They fought the French with a young colonel named George Washington. They amassed large tracts of land which they speculated for profit. They were embroiled in legal disputes and committed more than one act of dubious morality while living for several generations in a murky zone between red and white society. Although this is a work of fiction, the major characters and events are factual. The day to day embellishments are there to put flesh on the dry bones of history and a fair amount of flesh herein you will find.