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Caroline's House

By Beverly Sims

Last night a ghost made love to me. Yes, a ghost. No human form. A warm presence with soft lips, a rough beard, a probing tongue, incredible hands, and wonderful, working body parts.

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the story of a woman returning to her childhood town, renewing old acquaintances, settling down in a house reputed to be haunted, and falling in love with a local man. Their happy lives are torn asunder by forces of evil … so evil they destroyed everything they touched. Can deep friendships and love can reach beyond the grave? The people who knew Caroline will find out, as will the readers of this 102,700+-word book of passion, mystery, murder, paranormal, and humor. They will come to understand the characters and empathize with them. My proofreaders commented that they got teary and laughed aloud along with Caroline, Larry, Georgia, Doc, and most of all Malcolm who is the force behind it all.

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