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Embedding Book Teasers & Trailers

At NB, we are dedicated to creating a personal connection between readers and independent writers.  A popular form of digital marketing media has arisen in the world of independent books that goes by many names (one of these names is ridiculously copyrighted  - book trai@#rs).  Such videos often have unlicensed images and music and use a combination of streaming words and images to provide a book equivalent of a movie trailer.   NB encourages writers to consider creating sincere and personal media, but we also understand that some writers have either already created such media or are too shy to seen or heard by the world at large.   Accordingly, if you have media that you would like us to embed into your NB profile that does not fit our guidelines (you must be seen or heard), then we will do so for a small fee.   This is done to help cover our expenses as well as to encourage writers to create more personally meaningful media to share with readers.  Simply place your order through the shopping cart below, and email the media (or youtube embedding code) to


Price: $5.00