Calling All Writers
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The "Historical Fiction/Romance Authors" group will serve as a supportive place for unpublished, soon-to-be-published and published authors alike to share resources and research. A well-researched novel will rise to the top of the stack, and we can help each other create the best possible work by sharing information.
I am so delighted that you decided to join this group. I see this as a supportive environment to share research resources and information.
We all know that the best historical fiction is couched in facts; a well-researched story will grab your reader quicker than just about anything else. Those who are history buffs will notice the attention to detail and appreciate your work that much more.
So, let's help each other craft the best possible stories.
Thanks again for your consideration.
Hello, and welcome. I created this group because, as a historical fiction/romance author, I value research and information. I often say that "the devil is in the details," and making sure that our historical novels are couched in fact is the best way to create outstanding work.
I intend for this to be a supportive and helpful environment. Not everyone can know everything, so sharing resources and the like will improve the experience of all authors who visit here.