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Radio America

Radio America

Radio America

Hello America

Who among you are willing to buy the line of the news factory
Whose connections rot under the shadows of old glory
waving upside
And who will buy the line that beats
Like a whip
Against the thighs of Baghdad
With her aborted flow of
Western ideas
And mathematics
And now tears?
Who will deconstruct the lawless night
That comes over the radio waves
Where announcers all speak with one voice
That shatters into vacant stations
With dead laughter pumped in
into the ears of
And the blank eyes of South Oaks
And Bellmore
Where blank is beautiful
To avoid the tension of being an animal.
Ok you who control
The television sex
That teaches the young to no longer know how be young
And pants suit women to no longer know how to be women?
Who among you are worthy to walk in the dreams of old men.
You who have become separated from your nature like
A still born wrapped in newspaper and dumped in the back allies
Of dead hospitals,
Do you know your nature?
Can you understand it?
Do you really believe that you can control the ocean?
How much was the price for Christ when you sold it
To those who only know surrender?
What is more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose?
You who sold us
Wall Street
and the American ghetto.
What TV shit salesman
What price is Christ in Chinatown
And did you get crabs from fucking
The Baghdad sands
To erase time with rancid ejaculation?
The mind
Blank is beautiful
When senses are fragmented.
Who among you will severe
Your rotting connections to the
Black fruit that expands
Under the last days of ancient sun light
And under the sands of holy
The last words of your film
As Burroughs said
"play it all
Play it all
Play it all back
Pay it all


What hour are you in
The time is later than you think
In the eye of the final burning Buddha
Or old glory’s last gleaming
The Subway Serenade,
“Ladies and gentlemen I’m homeless and I have aids…”
Did you know that your icons
Have honed the art of homicide to a fine point
That comes with a single flash
To wipe clean that which you could not
Force to dance in peep shows
in Hell’s Kitchen.
Blank is beautiful
When the price splits
The Mind in two.


Do you know Lou Hill,
The abbot of the airwaves,
Whose visions capture
Hoffman ,
Bob Fass
And whose ears and heart
Were the ears and hearts of a revolution?
What fold in time took the great saint of the radio
To fade into the night of a broken body
.“This Genius Has Been Withdrawn”
As Watson said.
There is so far that the last waters could drag you under
The strip show
Of the naked American politics
Which lacks all features
Of being human
With all its parties
Being one party
That fills its groin with and
Grows wild on the great human wreckage.


What sorrowful song have you sung for the Hudson
Which you have violated with your chemical finger
Our great sister who watches over us on the upper Westside.