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Ideas for writers

Ideas for writers

Log in to each day and pick up my tips for the day. Treat this as a sort of writing gym, limber up your writing muscles and race successfully to the finish with 50,000 words completed.

Find ways to:
1. enhance your creativity
2. build your imagination
3. write faster
4. maximize your time
5. produce more words than you ever imagined
6. banish blocks
7. stay motivated

That’s just for starters.

When the November rush is over there’ll be lots more to come. We’ll be working on completing your novel, re-shaping and structuring, developing characters and a whole lot more, including preparing your manuscript for publication and even looking for agents.

May you all write like angels - or even like the devil!

Shahrukh Husain is a highly experienced writer and teacher who has
written 20 books, for both adults and children. She has also written
plays and 11 screenplays and one of her films was nominated for the
Oscar. Shah's advice has helped many beginning writers to fulfill
their dreams of selling their manuscripts. For more information,
please check her website on: